How To Make Coconut Shell Charcoal?

There are many parts of the world today that harvest coconuts. Millions of them are harvested, and the shells are discarded, creating what could be used as a large amount of potential fertilizer. However, there is a better way to utilize coconut shells if you want to generate a profit. This is through the conversion of the shells into charcoal, which can be a kind of fuel. The fuel can either be in the form of charcoal, or it could be a liquid fuel or even a type of oil. The carbonizer machine used in this conversion process. This is how you can make charcoal from  coconut shells.

Carbonizer Machine for Sale

Carbonizer Machine for Sale

Why Is Biomass Charcoal Popular?

Biomass charcoal is popular for a couple of different reasons. First of all, it does have a much better smell than many other types of charcoal that are burned today. Second, it is something that many people use because it is recycled material. You are simply taking the residue from the harvesting process and converting it into something usable. Finally, businesses are producing more charcoal made from coconut shells than ever before. This is because the biomass pyrolysis machines that produce it, are much more reliable and affordable today. Also, there are some customers who use a pellet press machine to make the raw materials into pellets first and then carbonize it into charcoal to sell a higher price.

How Does Charcoal Making Process Occur?

This biochar production process can occur during what is called biomass pyrolysis. The coconut shells are broken down into smaller components. These are then fed into a biochar reactor. Within the reactor, once it reaches a certain temperature, in the absence of oxygen, it will produce the charcoal along with other types of burnable and usable fuels. If you have a large number of coconut shells available, you may have to invest in entire biochar production units. The more that you make, the more that you will sell, because there is always a market for charcoal that is produced by coconut shell conversion.

Are There Many Companies That Produce These Machines?

There are a large number of companies that have biochar production equipment for sale today. Some of them are very small, whereas others can take up a substantial amount of room. You may discover that you will need more than one at some point in time. That’s why it is important to consider all of your options, including keeping a roster or list of potential companies to use if you ever need to make a further investment. More details here:

Charcoal Machine in Ukraine

Charcoal Machine in Ukraine

Investing in a coconut shell charcoal making machine can be invaluable for your business. If you have simply been harvesting coconuts, and discarding the shells, you now have a viable way of utilizing this material to make a profit. It is something that people will purchase, especially those in certain areas of the world that are constantly using charcoal for heat and cooking. If you are ready to take your waste product of coconut shells and use this to generate more revenue for your business, begin your quest for the best biomass pyrolysis machine that is capable of handling all of the coconut shells that you need to process.