Rubber Recycling Equipment Gives New Life To Old, Discarded Tires

In the United States alone, close to 300 million tires are discarded each year. Worldwide, that number is even higher. When you think about how many cars there are on the road, the number of used tires that get thrown away when they wear out is absolutely staggering.

Dealing with this much waste in a way that is environmentally responsible requires innovative thinking. While many products are easy to recycle, tires are a little bit more challenging. They are a lot larger and heavier than most recyclable materials. They also are made up of multiple components including rubber, fabric, and metal wire. These materials need to be separated before they can be recycled.

That is where rubber recycling equipment comes in. This equipment is specially designed to break down tires so that their individual components can be recycled.

Rubber Recycling Equipment

Rubber Recycling Equipment

Rubber recycling plants use a number of different steps to extract all of the usable materials from old tires. The process usually begins by separating the steel ring from the rest of the tire. The tire itself is then usually cut into strips. From there, it is cut into smaller and smaller pieces by various shredders.

Tires contain metal wire and nylon fabric. As the sorting process continues, these items are separated out from the rubber.

In the case of the wire, a magnet is used to extract the small pieces of metal from the rest of the materials, leaving behind just the rubber and nylon. This is a fast, efficient way to separate these materials. Of course, the magnet needs to be quite powerful to be able to grab all of the pieces of metal from the recycling stream as the materials move by.

Waste Rubber Pyrolysis Plant

Waste Rubber Pyrolysis Plant

A special fiber separator is then used to separate the fabric fibers from the rubber. By the time the process is done, all of the items from inside the tire are neatly separated into their own piles.

The rubber itself can be cut down into different sizes, depending on how it will be used. In some cases, it is ground down into a powder. In other cases, the pieces are left a little bit larger.

For instance, some recycling plants are designed to cut rubber into pieces that measure approximately half an inch. This rubber can then be used as mulch around flowerbeds. One of the great things about rubber mulch is that it is extremely long-lasting, meaning that it won’t break down over time like mulch that is made out of wood.

The rubber that is salvaged by rubber recycling equipment can also be used for many other applications. For example, it is used on playgrounds to help keep kids from getting injured if they fall off the equipment. The wastewater management and agricultural industries also use recycled rubber in various ways. It can even be used to make sports fields that are covered with synthetic turf. Please read more:

This type of waste plastic and tyre pyrolysis plant has revolutionized the way that used tires are dealt with. Instead of winding up in the landfill, they are now turned into useful products that make a big difference in everyday life.